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Power Right Staff fund raise for the Acquired Brain Injury Ireland

Jan 08, 2018
Power Right Ltd. team of four, holding 1000 euros donation card proudly supporting Acquired Brain Injury Ireland

Acquired Brain Injury Ireland (ABI Ireland) is Irelands leading provider of community-based neuro-rehabilitation services for those who have acquired a brain injury. People with neuro-rehabilitation needs and their families receive the highest quality personalised services and supports, as and when they need them. The Sligo Community Brain Injury Service, which is a partnership between the charity organisation, Acquired Brain Injury Ireland and the HSE Physical & Sensory department is based at the Transitional Living Unit, in Tonaphubble in Sligo and in the Resource centre in Wolfetone Street. The service delivers rehabilitation for people, aged 18 – 65 years who have an acquired brain injury in Sligo, Leitrim and West Cavan area.

Very often for many people life after a brain injury is largely one of existing, not living. People with an ABI and their families are very often forced to live on the margins of our society. Many, as young as 25 years, are consigned to live in highly inappropriate settings such as nursing homes and community hospitals or at home where families are not coping due to the lack of suitable services. The Transitional Living Unit at Tonaphubble alongside the newly opened resource centre in Wolfetone Street work in supporting people with an ABI after their time in the hospital. This service is one that must continue to grow to allow us to meet the growing needs of all those living with an acquired brain injury.

The service, which provides services to between 60 and 75 persons living with a brain injury monthly, is an essential service to this area, making an immense difference in the lives of those living with a brain injury. In partnership with the HSE, ABI Ireland provides a multi-disciplinary team of clinicians to design an individualised rehabilitation plan for the person with a brain injury. Every brain is different resulting in every brain injury being different, and so every brain injury rehabilitation plan must be different, and tailor-made to meet the needs of the person injured.

Acquired Brain Injury Ireland value and appreciate the support of the people of Sligo and Leitrim for their ongoing support through various fundraising initiatives such as this Movember fundraiser, which the staff team at Power Right undertook in November 2017, raising €1,000 for the local services. 

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